best yoga bolster

Best Yoga Bolster, Five-Star Reviews

It's true. Bolstered has dozens of five star-reviews! Yet, there's more to what makes Bolstered products the best... 

After considering cultural appropriation, I'm cautious to use the term "Yoga" for my handmade creations. The philosophy of Yoga extends beyond the familiar exercise routine which occasionally involves props as bodies move through various poses.

However, Bolstered feels like the purest expression of my Yoga practice in action. It is how I translate yogic values into tangible form. 


handmade art

tree drawing of the 8 limbs of yoga by 

If you're unfamiliar with Yoga philosophy, one way to think about it is that it was one of the earliest forms of psychology. It's an introspective journey that, when practiced regularly, helps to reduce suffering meaning mental, emotional and even physical turmoil. And not just for ourselves, but for all life. 

Bolstered was born out of the desire to cultivate self-love in all and from the belief that self-compassion inspires compassion for others, which ripples out to create a kinder world. 

To me, a compassionate yoga asana practice is one that approaches the poses with space to feel your body, to look within and accept yourself exactly as you are. I've found that incorporating yoga props into my practice helped me do just that.

The Yamas

The first limb of Yoga is the Yamas which can be translated to social "restraints." The Yamas offer five moral codes that guide us to act with consideration of others and the world around us.

The following ethical principles inform why and how Bolstered products are made, with the aim of helping you personalize your practice with props that embody your values (and style)!

Ahimsa means non-harm or non-violence.

This includes being kind to our planet and all of the creatures that live here (including you).

This is a challenge in our modern world, and difficult to navigate but I'm committed to progress! All Bolstered products are made through through slow-production and mindful sourcing of upcycled or recycled textiles, regenerative fibers, and natural dyes. 

Satya asks us to be truthful.

I've seen (and experienced) how asana classes can be competitive. Satya reminds us to be honest in our practice. To be with our body and what it needs in each moment, which may or may not be contorting ourselves into the shape that's being demonstrated. 

"Yoga is not about being good at something, it's about being good to yourself." - unknown

Let's strive be honest in our practice so we can truly support our unique, miraculous, beautiful bodies.

Asteya advises against stealing. 

Stealing is not just taking someone's tangible belongings, it also means depriving someone of their present or future joy and happiness. 

As the Native American saying goes,

"We have not inherited the earth from our forefathers, we are only borrowing it from our children." 

Let's not rob the environment or other living beings of their health, happiness or natural resources. Instead, we can practice mindful consumption. 

Brahmacharya is often translated to advocate for moderation.

I'm constantly reminded of this Yama with our Western cultural norms of go fast, do more, try harder. To "walk the middle path" we need to also cultivate the opposite. We to balance out the hustle with rest, stillness and permission to just be.

Whether it's Bolstered props, movement practices or just the occasional digital hello, I'm here to remind you that rest is a resource

Aparigraha means non-greed or non-hoarding.

We've been told that getting new things will fill any void we might be feeling. Yes, getting something new can offer a rush from spiked dopamine levels. 

Want to know what else increases dopamine? Creating something!

Outside of reminding you that there is no hole to fill and that you were born whole, I hope that Bolstered will inspire you to rethink retail therapy and find joy in your creativity and resourcefulness instead. (BTW, no shame or judgement here! I'm not immune to the appeal of Amazon Prime.) But, when you find yourself wanting to bring something into your life, look around to see what you already have. 

"Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have." - Rabbi Hyman Schachtel 

And when you do decide to purchase something, look for repurposed, recycled or upcycled products first! In my experience these are the special once; they have a story, they have an energy, they're truly one-of-a-kind.


Personalize your practice with props that embody your values & style.

Get a peek behind the scenes of Bolstered Yoga Props. All items are limited edition or one-of-a-kind designs that are stitched together in Colorado and/or handcrafted by artisan partners in Guatemala and Mexico.

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