How-to Bolster Your Yoga Nidra with Props

How-to Bolster Your Yoga Nidra with Props

Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a guided meditation where you basically get to take a nap while still being awake!

My first experience with the practice felt like instantaneous replenishment. Some say that one hour of yoga nidra equates to four hours of sleep!

These guided journeys can last 10, 20, or 30 minutes, even up to an hour.

Since this practice involves prolonged stillness, it's helpful to create "a little nest" so you'll be comfortable for the length of your practice.

Here are 3 great options to try for your Yoga Nidra practice: 

The Yogi Throne

BLOCKS: place one closer to you on the shortest height and the other on the tallest settling, a couple inches apart.

SQUARE BOLSTER: with one end of the bolster securely on the ground, lay the length of the bolster across the blocks

BLANKET: folded under your head to keep your forehead above your chin

NARROW BOLSTERS: supporting the forearms (and knees if legs are in butterfly). Alternatively, legs could extend long with one square bolster under the thighs.

OPTIONAL: add a folded blanket underneath you for more cushion, ground your pelvis with a sandbag, cover your eyes with an eye pillow and/or drape yourself with a second blanket to stay warm.

Supported Savasana


NARROW BOLSTERS OR FOLDED BLANKETS: one supporting your head and another under the upper thighs to support the natural curves of the spine.

OPTIONAL: add a folded blanket underneath you for more cushion, ground your pelvis with a sandbag, cover your eyes with an eye pillow and/or drape yourself with another blanket to stay warm.

Bolstered Sukasana 

NARROW OR SQUARE BOLSTER: one supporting your head and another under the upper thighs to support the natural curves of the spine.

OPTIONAL: add a folded blanket underneath you for more cushion, ground your pelvis with a sandbag, drape yourself with another blanket to stay warm and/or sit against a wall for more back support.


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Bolstered Eye Pillows are designed with Yoga Nidra in mind. They are uniquely sewn to: 

  • relieve tension across forehead & temples
  • reduce direct pressure on the eyes for longer periods of rest
  • enhance the aromatherapy with herbs concentrated around your nose


Shop for Eye Pillows <

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